Carnelian, known as well as cornelian, is an agate variety and gets its name from the word "carne" -meaning flesh-, as its color often reminds of the color of the flesh, while it is also found in other shades, going from light orange to deep red.
Carnelian was used from ancient times. It was widely used by the Romans in signets and seal rings, as the hot wax does not stick to carnelian. It was considered to be a very powerful stone. Muslims believed for instance that the bearer of a carnelian had many chances to see all his wishes fulfilled.
Carnelian helps us staying focused on the present and in taking the right decisions. It eliminates mental lethargy while it is also said that it bolsters self-confidence, gives energy and protects from bad vibrations.
Carnelian stimulates vitality. It boosts the metabolism, sexuality and fertility and helps in overcoming impotence. It is also beneficial in rheumatisms, arthritis, kidneys, bones and depression. It helps the organism to better absorb vitamins and minerals.
Carnelian is associated with the sacral chakra.
Carnelian is associated with the Aries, Capricorn, Taurus, Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini signs.
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